Our Programs

We believe missions is very dear to the heart of God and is the only way we can truly fulfill Jesus’ last command (Matthew 28:19-20):

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We are committed to this as our core assignment and seek to build bridges and partnerships to facilitate the advancement of this Great Commission in good time. Our special focus is that of unreached people’s groups around the world, who have not had the opportunity of hearing the glorious and saving gospel message of our Lord Jesus Christ, in their own language and in a way they can understand and respond to it.

Our mission is vast in its reach is broad in its scope to reach the lost and empower the saints regardless of tribe, race, or creed.

Church Planting/Discipling Disciple Makers

Grace Evangel Mission actively engages in church planting activities targeted towards unreached areas in towns and rural communities to establish the faith of new converts, after which disciples are made among the locals. These new disciples are empowered to make other disciples. Thereby, leading to a continuous chain and reproduction of not just disciples but disciple makers after the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Leadership Development

At the core of our ministry is leadership development. We believe in empowering the locals, who have genuinely encountered Christ through the gospel message, with the necessary tools that will make them effective in reproducing themselves through training and re-training. Our vision is to bring them to Christ, raise them for Christ, and send them for Christ.

Youth/Teens Ministry

The young people of any society reflect the strength and future of their community. It has often been said that the youth are the leaders of tomorrow. At Grace Evangel Mission, we believe that raising tomorrow’s leaders begins today, which is why we are passionate about reaching young people for Christ with the gospel message. We empower, train, and mobilize young people spiritually, economically, and otherwise to be a light in their communities.

Children’s Ministry

Children are often neglected in rural communities, but our passion for children and their well-rounded development comes from Jesus’ words (Matthew 19:14):

“But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven”.


We train and empower locals to be self-sufficient and seize opportunities around them through various empowerment initiatives such as training in animal and crop farming and local production. We have been blessed to see results of economic transformation among the rural dwellers, which has led them to believe that true transformation affects your spirit, body, and soul. This consequently improves the livelihood of families, light to the community, and stability to expand the reach of the gospel across communities.

Access Ministries

A lot of rural communities lack the basic amenities necessary for optimal living conditions such as portable drinking water, medical and primary healthcare facilities, education facilities, etc. These challenges consequently impose severe hardships on the people. These hardships often lead to high mortality rate, a sense of abandonment, resentment, and hostility.

Our Access Ministry initiatives involve helping rural communities gain access to better living conditions based on the specific challenges and difficulties each community faces. Such initiatives include the provision of potable drinking water for communities by sinking wells, provision of generator sets to power the wells and training on how to maintain the wells; conducting medical outreaches and health education to reduce high mortality rates, etc. These initiatives have helped to open up previously closed communities to the gospel of Jesus Christ, leading many locals to a living relationship with the savior and the making of disciple-makers that are impacting their region, one community at a time.

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