
We believe missions is very dear to the heart of God and is the only way we can truly fulfill Jesus’ last command in Matthew 28.

Our mission is vast in its scope to reach the lost and empower the saints regardless of tribe, race, or creed.

Below are a few testimonials we are celebrating as God moves toward His people through GEM.

Providing Clean Water

A village chief in tears said, “Thank you for giving us this bore hole. No government or organization ever remembered our village in terms of help to alleviate the suffering of the people. You will be remembered as the ones God used to solve our water problem. My people, I urge you to follow the God these people are talking about. He will bless our village”. In the same breath, he said “Servant of God, please help us build a clinic that can solve our medical needs and a school for our children. You have changed our lives in this village. Thank you.”

Caring for Mothers and Their Babies

We are grateful to Grace Evangel Mission for bringing God’s love to our village. Mama Abigail, we thank you for helping our pregnant women deliver their babies safely. We appreciate you teaching us how to prepare akamu and protein meals for our babies. God has used your teaching to remove early death from our children. Thank you so much. Please accept our little gift of dawa. (guinea corn)

Church Planting/Disciple Making

 The tribal chief of “M village” recently said “Over the last year, I’ve noticed that the villages around mine with churches look very different than the villages without churches. Stealing, rape and evil sacrifices against people has dropped greatly since churches have been planted by Grace Evangel Mission. Young people are all talking about God’s Son, who shows them the love of God. I want such progress in my village, and I want all my children and wives to become Christians. Please take this portion of land and give us a church.

Praising God for Protection

My testimonies are many. I have learned many things about faith from Pastor E. Last week, as I was bathing I suddenly noticed a huge snake in the bathroom. I called on the name of Jesus to save me, and the snake stayed motionless until I escaped. You all know that many have died of snake bites in this village. I thank God. Praise His holy name.

A Witch Doctor is Healed and Saved

There was a time where people feared me in my village and the surrounding towns. I talked to the spirits of our ancestors, and they answered me. People come to this village to seek spiritual help, and I have always helped them to defeat their enemies. One day I became very ill, and I was sick for months. I used all my power to invoke healing, but nothing happened. I was dying when the missionary from Grace Evangel Mission found me. He told me he heard about my situation, and that Christ would heal me if I accept him and reject the ways of Satan. I was annoyed, but as a dying man I said to myself “the gods have not been able to heal me. Well, if there is any god greater than our god I will follow him, if he heals me”. Brothers and sisters, the man of God prayed, and today you can all see that I am healed. I have surrendered all my charms and shrine for destruction. I am now a child of God. I now have peace that I cannot explain. Thank you, Jesus.

Providing Clean Water

Few years ago, Grace Evangel Mission sent missionaries to our remote village, which was neglected by government. Before then, there had been no church or mission outreach authorized by village authority or tradition to plant one. Drinking water had been the major challenge for the village. To get clean water, villagers had to travel to a very far place to fetch a bowl that can only serve for few hours. When Grace Evangel saw this need, they provided us with a borehole, which was a great relief for the entire village. Our farmers and pregnant women have also received many training that are helping us today. Our people are very happy, and most of them are now in Christ.

Many Coming to Christ

Grace Evangel Mission, thank you for sending Kossi and the other brothers from Nigeria to show us the way of God. I have given my life to God through Jesus Christ. I was selling voodoo medicine to people before. I made a living off it. Today, I cannot do that again. I will not follow witch doctors again. Jesus is all I need. I know he will provide all my needs. Now, I am looking to do another business. Thank you for the good work. The Doctors and nurses helped many sick people, free of charge. Our people are talking about this all the time. It is helping many to come to Christ. Please send them again. Praise God!

Renouncing Voodoo

My father was a witch doctor. He talked to the spirits, and many things he said happened. Ever since he died, our family had no peace. We experienced many problems from every direction. I was confused. One day, some people from Grace Evangel Mission came to our house to teach us the new way of life. The word brought peace to my heart. I cried like a baby. I rejected spirit worship that could not give me peace. I said “Jesus come in to my heart”. Today I am a worshipper of Jesus. He means everything to me. He answers me every time I call on him. I will never go back to voodoo again. Praise God.

A Life Transformed

I thank God for sending Grace Evangel Mission to our village. I would have died by now due to the way I was living my life. I was a drunk and a sinner, who deceived peoples’ wives to commit sin with them. Since I heard the gospel, through brother Titus, my life changed. The things I once did, I do them no more. Praise God for forgiving a sinner like me. Each time I remembered what I did in the past, I felt bad, but Titus kept assuring me that God has cleansed me. Now, I feel better. I am a new man. Praise God! I want to thank God for the wells provided in our villages. Now, we have good water to drink, even in the dry season. I use this water to make shayi (tea), which I sell every morning. Praise God!

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